
Scope of Services

Our Audit are conducted in line with the requirement of the Companies and Allied Matters Decree, 1990 as amended to date, the Companies Act (UK Resident Companies) so as to enable us express our opinion on the financial statements prepared by our clients as to its true and fairness.
Clients are required to make available to us all information and explanations which we require for the purpose of our Audit.
Our fee is based on the caliber of staff used for the audit work, skills involved and the time necessarily spent on the job. There will be the need for us to charge separately for each class of work done other than audit work.
b. Other Services Available:
1. Book Keeping:
Our Approach is based on flexibility. We can attend your office to do your book-keeping or keep your accounting records on our computer if you so desire. Just provide the source of documents (sales invoices, bank statements, supplier invoices, etc) and we will do the rest. We will do as much as required. Or charges are based on volume of work, the degree of responsibility and the time necessarily spent on the job.
2. Payroll Services :
Our payroll services for clients include weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments. These assignments are carried out in compliance with current legislations as it affects the take home pay of employees after taking recognition of the Tax status and income level of the individual.
3. Management Accounts:
We assist clients to prepare their monthly management accounts and offer advise as a means of installing financial discipline in their daily operations. We constantly carry out review of our clients management reports in order to appraise their business performance and proper solutions where necessary to ensure continuity of operations.
Our charges are based on volume of work, the degree of responsibility and the time necessarily spent on the job.
4. Corporate Business and Financial Advisory Services:
Our Corporate Business and Financial advisory Services are tailored towards assisting our clients to achieve consistency and continuity in their operations while at the same timed focusing on adequate returns on investments.
Clients benefit from our expertise in International Venture Capital Arrangements, Exchange Risk Management, Disaster Planning and Rescue packages.
Accounting Software Training and Consultancy:
We can train at your premises throughout the UK and Nigeria to provide group or one-to-one training. Our trainers are all qualified accountants who can:
Help you set up financial records using the accounting software
Liaise with your professional accountants as necessary.
Visit periodically to sort out any problems you may encounter and provide training on more advanced features of the software.
- General Tax Planning and Advise
Our Tax Planning and Advise on behalf of clients will be tailored towards taking advantage of all National and International Tax regulations to ensure Tax savings in order to minimize the effect of taxes on all our client’s business activity.
Our charge on general tax planning and advice is dependent upon the scope of work, skills involved, time necessarily spent on the job and the degree of responsibility.
- Company Income Tax Return Completion:
Our corporate Tax Advisory Service also entails filling of returns, processing and obtaining Tax Clearance Certificates and Specialized Tax Advisory Management services. Our fee on company income tax Return assignment is normally arrived at by taking into recognition the degree of responsibility , the skills involved and the time spent on the job.
- Petroleum Tax Return Completion:
Our client’s Petroleum Profit Tax Return completion assignments will be designed to take advantage of all the Tax savings in both National and International Laws, while at the same time minimize the impact of Taxes on all our client’s business operations.
Our charges are based on the volume of work, time necessarily spent on the job and the caliber of staff involved.
- International Tax Advisory Service:
The International Tax Advisory Services on behalf of our clients will be planned in such a way as to ensure compliance with international Rules and Regulations in respect of filing of returns, processing and obtaining International Tax Clearance Certificate for the purpose of remittance of dividends, fees to non-residents shareholders, technical or foreign partners respectively.
Our charges on these assignments will be based on the caliber of staff, skills
involved and the time necessarily spent on the job.
- Personal Income Tax Assessment
This will entail carrying out all (routine and compliance) Tax Assessment process such as obtaining General Tax Deduction Cards, filing of returns and obtaining Tax Clearance Certificates. The Tax payable by each employee will be computed in line with Tax status and income of the individual.
- Value added Tax (VAT) Return Assessment:
Client’s VAT assignments will entail reviewing list of Vatable and Non-Vatable incomes in order to arrive at the final VAT liability payable. We shall assist our client’s in designing of documentations and records, VAT management and plan for subsequent FURS VAT Audit, monitoring compliance, preparation of client's and obtaining clearance letter annually.
Our charges are based on monthly VAT returns prepared and submitted to FIBR, degree of responsibility and the time necessarily spent on the work.
- Tax Acceptance Certificate:
Our Tax Acceptance Certificate assignments will be designed to support our prospective clients for claims of Capital Allowances on the Fixed Assets used in earning the profit. Tax Acceptance will be processed with detail records of all Fixed Assets in use to ensure that the approved figures are the same cost of the assets used in the audited financial statements.
Our fees shall be based on certain percentage on the value of the Fixed Assets. The percentage varies with the value of the Fixed Assets concerned.
- With-Holding Tax (WHT)
Client’s With-Holding Tax Return Completion Advisory Services entails; Compliance package plan as well as design of all relevant documentations for accounting purpose.
Our fees are normally based on the volume of jobs, the skills involved and the time necessarily spent on the job.
- Other Corporate Tax Advisory Services:
We offer other Corporate Tax Advisory Services, such as Double “Taxation Relieves and Allowances arrangement on behalf of our prospective clients and the Capital allowances on Information Technology Equipment. Our fees are based on the degree of responsibility, the volume of job and the time necessarily spent on the work. We believe to the best of our knowledge that